The Sergeant at Arms is the class officer responsible for keeping decorum during meetings. The candidates of each grade level are uncontested.
Ninth grade
Why are you running?
“I want to keep being in class office, trying to help our grade.”
What do you hope to accomplish if you win?
“Same thing we’ve been doing: raising money for our class, considering we have none.”
What new ideas will you bring to the table?
“Better ways to raise money, more soccer tournaments, and other stuff like that.”
Tenth grade
Why are you running?
“I’m running for Sergeant at Arms because I think I could do good because we’ve had inefficient ones in the past, so I think I can do good.”
What do you hope to accomplish?
“I hope to fulfill all goals and expectations of Sergeant at Arms making sure everyone does what they’re suppose to do and make sure every is cooperative.”
What new ideas will bring to the table?
Eleventh grade
Sophie Goodwin
Why are you running?
“I was in office last year and I really enjoyed being a part of all of the decision making, helping at the events, and planning.”
What do you hope to accomplish?
“I hope to make senior year awesome and fun for everyone. I want it to be really inclusive with our whole class as opposed to it being a lot of cliques.”
What new ideas will bring to the table?
“I would help with fundraising ideas for events next year.”
Read about the students running for class office and learn more about them. Elections will be Friday April 7, so keep visiting for more updates on the rest of the candidates from grades nine to 11.