Fashion has played a big role in shaping our society and culture; through-out my junior year, I will be exploring these trends and writing the impact they have had on myself and our community. Denim on Denim is a fashion trend that hit the world in the early 90s, impacting fashion icons and amateurs everywhere since. As a wannabe fashionista, denim on denim has become an easy way for me choose stylish outfits that I have fallen in love with. As this is my very first post, I want to show you the reasons why I wear denim on denim and how it has made me the person I am today.
Throughout the years, I have gotten more self-conscious with my body and the way I appear, but there has always been a sense of comfort in regard to wearing denim on denim. I just throw on a pair of jeans and a denim jacket and feel great because I have the confidence to strut down the Pine View campus looking fly as ever. Denim allows people to strip away from the stereotype of very skinny or tight clothing because it is usually worn oversized. The new trend allows women and men of all shapes and sizes to be able to be confident in both their style and in themselves.
This fashion trend has meant a lot to me for the past couple of years because of its easily accepted view. Many students don’t mind the denim look, and several have participated in this on-going trend. I have personally experimented with my fashion and the full denim trend has always been the best option for me. When I wear these pieces, it makes me feel so confident, but at the same time, I do feel very limited to my options as a male in high school. My fashion needs to and will expand but due to the fear of other opinions, I refuse to come out of my shell and really show myself.
Denim has been my go to look for the past three years, but as the time goes on, I can’t wait to explore my inner fashionista and share it with you.