In a world where fast fashion seems to dominate the clothing industry, it is important to make sure that the clothes you buy and wear are not going to waste. Seeing the importance of upcycling and repurposing clothes, sophomore Kelsey Elton decided to start Pine View’s Made of the Same Thread Club (MOST). Elton plans to teach the club’s members how to recycle articles of clothing and set up a thrift store where students can purchase upcycled clothes.

The idea for beginning the club came from Elton’s love for thrifting and altering clothes to repurpose them.
“I really like thrifting, and I really liked the idea of teaching people how to thrift clothes, and I kind of just built on that,” Elton said.
The club plans on collecting clothing donations from students and repurposing them. Elton, who learned how to alter clothes from her grandmother, plans on sharing her knowledge with the club.
“We’re going to rework [the clothes] to make better pieces of clothing that fit peoples’ individual styles,” Elton said.
The club hopes to sell the clothes they upcycle to students to encourage them to thrift clothes and find their style instead of following fast fashion trends.
“We’ll probably set up shop once a week outside the auditorium and all of the money we raise is going to go to charity,” Elton said.
The club will meet every Monday during 7th period in math teacher Summer Grantham’s room and work on learning the basics of altering clothes. After the first meeting, Elton has high hopes for the club.
“I think we’ll do a really great job, a lot of the people seem passionate and seem to have some experience, so I think we’ll have a good turn out,” Elton said.
“From the first meeting it seems like it would be a lot of fun,” sophomore Ingrid Cushman said, “and I’d learn a lot about thrifting and upcycling clothes, which I am very interested in.”

Elton hopes to raise a lot of money for charity through the club’s sales and teach the club members how to find their personal styles and repurpose clothes rather than wasting them.