Monday, Mar. 6: Decades Day and Decorate Doorways with the Theme ‘Mission 212’
Freshmen dressed like the 1980s, sophomores dressed like the 1950s, juniors dressed like the 1990s, and seniors dressed like the 1970s. Each class decorated doorways with the theme ‘Mission 212’. Freshmen decorated the Student Union, sophomores decorated the office, juniors decorated the auditorium, and seniors decorated bldg 17.
Tuesday, Mar. 7: Tie-Dye, Tug of War, and Ultimate Frisbee
Everyone wore tie-dye and there was tug of war in the quad and ultimate frisbee on the fields. The seniors won tug of war and the sophomores won ultimate frisbee.
Wednesday, Mar. 8: Character Day and Disc Golf Scramble
On this day students were asked to dress up as their favorite character. There was also Disc Golf Scramble on the fields. The sophomores won this game, and surprisingly there was not one junior that showed up to play Disc Golf Scramble.
Thursday, Mar. 9: Mission 212 Space Day
Students dressed out of this world on Tuesday where outfits inspired by space and sci-fi. There was another win by the seniors in soccer on the fields
Friday, Mar. 10: Dodgeball
Coming onto campus today there were swarms of students in bright neon shirts. Freshmen wore neon orange shirts, sophomores wore pink, juniors wore yellow, and seniors wore black. Each class met somewhere on campus at 30 minutes before the game for their rallies. At two o’clock everyone entered the gym pumped for the game to come. The gym was booming with chants, claps, and stomping feet. The seniors, once again, won the infamous dodgeball game.
Overall the seniors won most of the spirit week games. However, the freshman had the most participation in dressing up for the themes by far, with seniors behind them, sophmores in third place, and juniors in last.