From the May issue of the Match 2018, written by Naina Chauhan. Sarasota may be a small town, but that doesn’t mean it’s food scene…
Peramathon is a Spirit Week event for elementary and middle schoolers. Whether students are sprinting alone or walking with their friends or teachers, the event…
Monday, Mar. 6: Decades Day and Decorate Doorways with the Theme ‘Mission 212’ Freshmen dressed like the 1980s, sophomores dressed like the 1950s, juniors dressed…
As the climax of Pine View Spirit Week approaches, more and more high school students get filled with great anticipation for the highly extolled event,…
NewsTorch March 2023
A Graduation Requirement: Core Classes on Campus
by Lindsay Luberecki March 9, 2023What does it mean to go to Pine View? How much has changed? In late 2019, a Pine View committee began discussing changes in the…
Fresh out of summer break and finished with the first day of school, high school students of all grades seep into Room 13. They are…
Jazz Under the Stars was Feb. 25 in front of Building 17. As the band accompanies the singers, the sound of them both harmonizing resonates…
At a superficial glance, you may not notice much about the small plot of land that so happens to neighbor the field. If you take…
Sitting in her fourth period one day in Mark Mattia’s AP Statistics class, twelfth-grader Ashley Reynolds’ phone buzzed. Upon opening her phone to investigate, Reynolds…